Whether or not to extract any teeth
and, if so, which ones should be discussed by the clinician and
the patient on an individual basis. The current trend is towards
nonextraction of permanent teeth whenever possible. Minor crowding
can usually be relieved without any dental extractions by using
fixed or removable appliances to expand the jaws.
Most patients seek orthodontic evaluations because they notice
dental crowding in their mouths. Moderate to severe crowding can
require extraction of teeth to relieve crowding. Which teeth to
extract is controversial. Traditionally, the four first bicuspids
(two from the upper arch and two from the lower arch) are extracted.
Removal of the first bicuspids is easy to perform and is especially
beneficial for those patients with protrusive looking faces. However,
some dentists are now recommending removal of the second molars
instead of the bicuspids to relieve crowding.
The option to extract
second molars is favored in some cases because it allows for a
fuller smile with ten incisors and bicuspids in each arch as opposed
to eight incisors and bicuspids. It also makes room for the wisdom
teeth (third molars) to develop properly. In the absence of second
molars, wisdom teeth generally erupt into the position of the
second molars.
Thus, the often difficult surgical extractions
of wisdom teeth are avoided by allowing them to grow and erupt
into the space of the extracted second molars. In the few cases
where the wisdom teeth do not erupt into the vacated second molar
positions properly, minor orthopedic appliances can be used at
the time of their eruption to guide them into desired alignment.